By Evan Vitale
When it comes to creating and setting a goal, we all have the best intentions in mind. We want to save for a vacation or a new car; lose weight or purchase a new cell phone or computer.
Unfortunately, the goal-setting enthusiasm soon fades away. We let other obstacles, interests and distractions get in our way and we eventually lose sight of our goal.
Setting a goal is a good idea. You have a plan. Goals (or at least one goal) gives you purpose, motivates you to take action, helps boost your self-confidence, helps you do more in your life and makes you better at what you do.
Some people set goals only once a year (New Year’s resolutions). However, you can set a goal at any time. They can be weekly or monthly goals; short-term or long-term goals, or even goals for your life.
The most crucial part of setting and reaching your goals is segmentation. Break your goals down into smaller, bite-sized targets.
For example, let’s say you want to save money in order to buy a new car. Great!
Now, break down your goal into segments or steps. How are you going to reach your goal? Do you need to save more money? If so, how much each week and how will you do that? Do you need to cut expenses? If so, how? Do you need to get a part-time job? If so, when will you start looking and how many hours per week do you need to work at your new job?
See how that works?
Break down your BIG goal into smaller steps. Figure out how you are going to reach your goal. This will help you take baby steps into getting to your ultimate target.
In our next blog post, we’ll share more points about setting and reaching goals.